
Showing posts from March, 2020


#SixWordStory I deserve, I earn, I get. I based this six word story on the Jataka Tale, "Granny's Blackie". The elephant was cheated out of money when he did the work he was promised money for. Luckily, he was a smart elephant who knew what he deserved, and he stood up for himself made sure he got what he had earned. Two Sentence Story "Look team, if we work together we will succeed. The day we fall apart, is the day we are destroyed as one." I based this two sentence story on the Jataka tale, "The Quarrel of the Quails". In order to prolong their capturing and eventual death, the quails had to work together to defeat the man. They were successful the first time, but once they started to divide up in a quarrel, they were defeated as a unit. The quarrels got captured because they could not work together anymore. Writing

Reading Jataka Tails Part B

Granny's Blacki e there was an old grandma, known as Granny to the town, who owned a baby elephant  all the children were very fond of this elephant  one day the elephant wanted to go to the woods, but granny said she had too much work to do realizing she was aging, the elephant sought out to work to get money the elephant goes up to the woods and finds a man who was struggling  there were so many wagons that were too heavy that the man's oxen could not drag them through the river when the man saw the elephant he thought to ask him for his help in exchange for money the man told the elephant that he would pay him two silver pieces for each wagon drawn once the work was finished, the man only paid the elephant one silver piece per wagon seeing that the elephant noticed, the elephant stood in the river and blocked the man and his wagons from going anywhere until he was paid the ma, caught in his unfairness, paid the elephant the elephant took the money back to...

Reading Jataka Tales Part A and B

The Quarrel of the Quails  there were many quails who lived together in a forest  a man would come often and grab and bunch by a net to take home and sell to make money one day the leader of the quails came up with a plan all the quails who are caught in the net should all fly up and away with much force the plan worked a couple times one day the quails got into a quarrel  they were no longer working together because they were divided onto two sides the man came back to catch them in a net because they were in a fight and not working together, they got taken away from their home The King's White Elephant carpenters lived on a river bank near a forest they noticed a wounded elephant they tended to the elephant, and he was so grateful that he helped the carpenters with their work he would bring them tree trunks, fetch their tools. move logs into the river etc as the elephant grew older, he started bringing his son with him to show him the ways of th...

Storybook: The Hunt

My eyes open to complete darkness. I lay in a compact space with my arms and legs tied and a rope in my mouth to keep me from screaming. I hear the tires tread on a rocky dirt road, and in that instant I knew. From the felt ground, to the low ceiling two inches from the tip of my nose, I knew I was in the trunk of a car. As I lay there awake, I ponder the thought of how long I had been trapped. I have no perception of time, the whole world just seemed to have stopped.  The tires screech as the car comes to a slow stop. The trunk opens and I cringe at the sunlight as if I had not seen it in ages. Someone, a man or women I could not tell, grabs me by the ropes that are constricting me and drags me across the ground. I am wriggling around in trying to get away, but I am no control. I cannot scream, I cannot move my arms or legs, all I can do is just be there.  I am thrown against a wall. A wooden wall within a small cottage. The exterior is covered in mattresses, blanket...

Reading Notes B Week 9: Mahabharata

The Battle  the two armies faced each other on the day of the war the conch shells and battle trumpets played to dictate the start With shouting and roars, both sides rushed to meet in the middle The Pandavas and the Kurus fought like demons as family fought family the heart of the battle was where Bhishma, the leader of the Kurus was no warrior he struck could survive Darkness came and both sides withdrew for rest  days went buy and it became clear to the Pandavas that as long as Bhishma was alive, they could not win on the 10th day, the war ceased Bhishma died and Drona was appointed the new commander under Drona, the Kurus won the Kurus main focus was to capture Yudhishthira because Drona made a vow to the Pandava king to do so The Pandavas only goal was to personally defeat Drona  Battle Field  

Reading Notes Week 9: Mahabharata

The Princes Arrive at Benares 10 days into their stay with the people of Benares, Purochana tells the Pandavas of a great house outside the city they are welcome to stay in He describes it as a mansion, but it is really known as haunted Yudhishthira went with his mother and brothers to check it out Upon reaching the house he smelled tar and oil all over Yudhishthira tells Bhima that he believes this house is highly flammable and that they out not to return But alas, they decided to stay so that they did not look suspicious to Purochana  While in their new home, their uncle Vidura, came to visit he told them that on one night this house would be burned to the ground he proposed to them that they should dig a tunnel in order to escape  the Pandavas agreed and started quickly to build this tunnel the Pandavas did so and spend their days hunting and gathering in the forests nearly and always slept within locked doors and their belongings near Cabin in the Woods ...

Week 8 Progress

     Looking back over my progress and comparing it to the "Progress Chart", I am very happy with my stance in the course right now. I am on the right track to achieve an A and I am satisfied with that amongst other things that I am getting out of this class. I feel that I have been able to be on this track because I have set myself on a good weekly schedule. Usually in my other classes I find it very hard to create a "study schedule", but this class has taught me to organize better. My schedule also makes it so that my "favorite" class assignments are at the end of the week, a little breather from my weekly assignments. I do enjoy working on my portfolio project and getting the chance to read other students' progress as well.        Since I have been able to create a sufficient weekly schedule that corresponds well with my workload in other classes, I do not see myself making many changes this upcoming half of the semester. One thing I would like to ...

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

       I believe the comments I receive from other students is overall very helpful. Personally, one of my favorite things about this class is to read other students' opinions on what I have written and getting to hear what suggestions they have. The comments I am finding to be most useful are those that give me a different perspective of my stories. Not everyone reads my story like I do so it is nice4 to receive comments that represent different point of views. Although reading comments happens to be one of my favorite things, giving comments is my least enjoyable. I have found that taking notes on other students' stories helps me write comments. I do feel like I have been able to get to know the other students through their writing. I am starting to recognize names because there have been stories that stand out and I am able to connect those to their author.       My favorite "Feedback Cat" is the last one that states, "Feedback helps you know...ho...

Week 8 Reading and Writing

      After looking through my blog, I am quite impressed with my progress. I am glad that over the first half the semester I was able to stay on top of all of my assignments and have good time management. I am happy with my blog and my project website, I think it represents myself well. I have been able to show some personality through my writing and I believe that has also made me grow as a writer. I consider my overall storytelling ability to be my biggest accomplishment in the this class. In the past I have never been a very creative person in terms of making up a fictional story, and I am glad this class is "forcing" me to do that. It has really taught me that I am able to do that. This picture is probably my favorite image from my past posts. I chose this because it represents one of my favorite and most enjoyable stories I have written, and it connects the class to my love for Harry Potter.