Reading Notes Part A

The Hare that Ran Away 

  • Buddha was reincarnated as a Lion in order to help his fellow animal friends 
  • There was a rabbit who lived in the forest who was afraid of everything 
  • one day she heard a slight noise that was unfamiliar to her
  • it was a fruit falling of a tree but she jumped to the conclusion that the Earth was falling in
  • The rabbit took off in a full spring thought the forest yelling that the sky is falling 
  • he first passed a group of his fellow rabbits 
  • then deer began to slide up, as well as sheep and boar and buffalo and camels and tigers, then finally elephants 
  • Enough animals have heard and believed this that Lion surely had to involve himself 
  • the lion asked the elephant who told him and he said the lion. 
  • each animal went along in a line and repeated who told them of this idea 
  • finally the lion got to the rabbit, and the rabbit admitted that he saw proof
  • the Lion took the rabbit to the spot of the noise 
  • The lion showed the rabbit where he was mistaken and proved that it was just a fruit falling from a tree 
  • the rabbit then had to go back and tell all the animals with his tail tucked between his legs 

The Rabbit


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