Reading Notes
The Foolish, Timid Rabbit
Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt
The Monkey Who Gathered Lotuses
Tayodhamma Jataka in The Jataka: Volume 1 translated by Robert Chalmers.
Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt
- Rabbit and Lion: main characters; Monkey, Elephant, Fox: secondary characters
- Story similar to children's movie, Chicken Little
- Monkey drops coconut on ground, Rabbit thinks the earth is breaking, causes a frenzy to other animals to join in on rampage
- All mighty lion comes in to prove all rumors of the earth to be false
The Monkey Who Gathered Lotuses
Tayodhamma Jataka in The Jataka: Volume 1 translated by Robert Chalmers.
- Main Characters
- Bodhisatta--> monkey son
- Monkey father
- Ogre
- Secondary Characters
- Monkey mother
- Son grew up without a father because it was known the father was frightened by his children that they would one day surpass him as King
- Son was eager to meet his father, so he questions his mother on where he resides. He finds out he is located at the foot of a certain mountain, so thus he goes to seek out his father.
- Weary of his son coming to meet him and overtaking the throne, the King sends him on a journey that he surely believes will kill the son.
- Mission: to bring back lotuses from a river that contains an ogre. footsteps are leading up to the river but none returning: there it is known that no one comes back alive
- Knowing of his father's intentions, the son devises a plan to outsmart the King. He will leap back and forth from the bank, grabbing lotuses that float on the surface without ever touching the water
- this he succeeded
- the Ogre, seeing this, was impressed with the young monkey as he had never seen someone so wise. thus he agreed to walk back with the monkey carrying the lotuses
- the father seeing this tremendous success, cried out and his heart burst into seven pieces
- the son reigned King following his father's immediate death
Lotus Flower
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