Feedback Thoughts

The first article I read was, "Why rejection hurts so much- and what to do about it". This article is very prevalent in today's society, especially in the social media scene. New generations have this need of "self-belonging" and conforming to society in order to be liked. Rejection is good, the way people take it needs to be altered, which this article helped to do. It is better in the long to build our self-esteem and not let rejection take a hit to that, because in the long run it will help individuals be there true self. Most college students know the pain of being rejected by a college one really wanted to go to- instead of letting it hold you back, learn from it. Personally, I was rejected by a school that I thought I wanted to go to. Eventually, I found the place I needed to be elsewhere and that rejection helped shape me into finding where I belonged.

"Why It's So Hard to Hear Negative Feedback" is another article I found very helpful. No one ever addresses the deliverer of negative feedback, and that role is crucial in performing correctly. Often times, we find ourselves so affected by negative feedback because we expect it to be delivered in a hard hitting, criticizing way. But if we change the exchange overall, it can be better between both the speaker and listener. Criticism is not something we should fear, it is something to be embraced because every little detail goes into developing into the best person, problem, situation it can amount to be.

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