
Reading Notes Part B

The King's White Elephant carpenters lived on a river bank near a forest they noticed a wounded elephant they tended to the elephant, and he was so grateful that he helped the carpenters with their work he would bring them tree trunks, fetch their tools. move logs into the river etc as the elephant grew older, he started bringing his son with him to show him the ways of the work one day the king spotted the beautiful white elephant the king paid the carpenters a lot of money to keep the white elephant for his own Father Son Elephants

Reading Notes Part A

How the Turtle Saved His Own Life A king built a lake in his backyard for his songs to swim and play in the boys swam and sailed their boats in it the king then asked some of his workers to put some fishes into the lake the sons ran to the lake to see these new additions and they noticed something they had never seen before, a turtle  they saw it and thought it was a demon so they got scared they ran back to the their father and the king ordered for the turtle to be killed  when the workers caught the turtle and brought it back to the house, the boys ran away from it and cried  the king, very empathetic of his sons, demanded that the turtle be killed  the workers thought of many ways to kill it  pound it to power, back it in hot coals, or throw it into the lake  the workers agreed to throw the turtle into the lake where it will be smashed to pieces by the rocks the turtle hearing all this talk, thrusted his head out of the shell  he dema...


Things I am grateful for during this quarantine: That myself, my family and friends are all healthy That my family still has an income during these times  that I have am able to spend more time with my family  That this outbreak happened during beautiful weather to be outside in  that we are still able to go outside for walks  that I am fortunate enough to have sufficient technology so that I do not have to worry about school work  we were still able to go on a road trip during spring break Things I am sad about during this quarantine: that my first year at OU was cut short that I am not able to live in my apartment  that I cannot see my friends everyday that I cannot see my boyfriend everyday that I am not able to see my professors or classmates everyday  no spring game or parties no going out with friends for drinks Coronavirus

Reading Notes Part A

The Hare that Ran Away  Buddha was reincarnated as a Lion in order to help his fellow animal friends  There was a rabbit who lived in the forest who was afraid of everything  one day she heard a slight noise that was unfamiliar to her it was a fruit falling of a tree but she jumped to the conclusion that the Earth was falling in The rabbit took off in a full spring thought the forest yelling that the sky is falling  he first passed a group of his fellow rabbits  then deer began to slide up, as well as sheep and boar and buffalo and camels and tigers, then finally elephants  Enough animals have heard and believed this that Lion surely had to involve himself  the lion asked the elephant who told him and he said the lion.  each animal went along in a line and repeated who told them of this idea  finally the lion got to the rabbit, and the rabbit admitted that he saw proof the Lion took the rabbit to the spot of the noise  The...

Storytelling: The Twins

Once upon a time there lived two twin girls who lived in an attic of a beautiful mansion. They were the servant girls of a horrific woman and her three daughters. The two twin girls lost their family long ago to a car accident and found themselves with no place to live and no money. The girls, Sarah and Tara, accepted jobs as maids in order to support themselves and gain a place to live. Their boss made them do ridiculous tasks just because she had to the right to. She had a tight leash on them because she knew that they had very little money and would not survive on their own.  One day when Tara and Sarah were cleaning the homeowner’s closet, they came across something quite peculiar. Tucked away in a corner, was a plethora of gold bars. The girls had never laid their eyes on anything as precious and valuable as this. They were overcome with mixed emotions as they pondered what to do. Sarah thought they should leave it alone as the mother might notice they were gone, but Tara s...

Reading Notes Part A

The Golden Goose  there was goose who had golden feathers he lived near a mother and a daughter who were very poor he thought to himself that once and while he would give them one of his feathers to sell and they would be able to live comfortably time went on and the mother and daughter did indeed sell the feathers and live comfortably the mother feared that one day the goose would never return and they would go back to living poorly so the mother devised a plan to pluck all the goose's feathers the next time he came the next time the goose came, the mother held him down and pulled out every one of his feathers little did she know, if the feathers are plucked out against the goose's wishes, they turn white and no longer carry a monetary value  as time went on, the goose grew more feathers but never returned again Goose


#SixWordStory I deserve, I earn, I get. I based this six word story on the Jataka Tale, "Granny's Blackie". The elephant was cheated out of money when he did the work he was promised money for. Luckily, he was a smart elephant who knew what he deserved, and he stood up for himself made sure he got what he had earned. Two Sentence Story "Look team, if we work together we will succeed. The day we fall apart, is the day we are destroyed as one." I based this two sentence story on the Jataka tale, "The Quarrel of the Quails". In order to prolong their capturing and eventual death, the quails had to work together to defeat the man. They were successful the first time, but once they started to divide up in a quarrel, they were defeated as a unit. The quarrels got captured because they could not work together anymore. Writing